Privacy and Data Protection

Newbury Youth Theatre is committed to safeguarding the young people that make up its membership. This includes ensuring that the management and control of personal information relating to members is handled robustly and in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).

As such, we retain data using Google’s cloud-based services of current members to allow password-protected access to committee members who require it for the effective administration of the business of Newbury Youth Theatre.

Parental data is retained and used according to explicit permissions given by parents/guardians at time of joining.

Alumni data is destroyed and contact with Alumni is maintained through social media channels.

While on tour, an official group chat is created to include all participating members to enable swift and effective communication between members and carers. This is only maintained and used for the period covered by the tour and the group chat is deactivated within one calendar month following the end of the project. It is held open for this period due to the potential need to retain contact to facilitate organisation of lost or forgotten items; sharing press reviews and feedback for the project to which the forum belongs.

No personal data is to be used for the marketing of third party products or services, with the exception of organised trips for members or recommendations to see performances. We feel that this is caveat is important because encouraging young people to access theatre meets with our aims as an organisation.

We feel that these privacy procedures are robust and that they satisfy the demands of General Data Protection Regulations (2018) and form part of our Safeguarding policy.